Trust the professionals at New York Carpets & Flooring.

Professional Carpet Installation in Anaheim, CA

At New York Carpets & Flooring, we prioritize customer satisfaction and excellence in service. Our professional team ensures a seamless carpet installation experience, from precise measurements to expert craftsmanship, leaving you with a beautifully finished floor you'll love for years to come.

Before Your Installation

Before your carpet installation, we will work with you to make sure you understand every step of the installation process.

  • Clear the installation area of furniture and personal items to facilitate the process.
  • Complete any necessary repairs or improvements to the subfloor for optimal installation.
  • Ensure clear pathways for installers to access the installation area without obstruction.
  • Our team will walk you through the installation process before we begin to address any questions or concerns you may have.

During Your Installation

Our professional installers will arrive at the scheduled time and work efficiently to complete your carpet installation.

  • Ensure an adult is present on your installation day to answer any questions and provide access to the installation area.
  • Arrange for children and pets to remain out of the installation area during the process for safety and efficiency.
  • We will clean up the work area and conduct a final walkthrough to ensure your satisfaction with the completed project.

After Your Installation

After the installation, you may be advised to refrain from walking on the carpet or replacing furniture immediately to allow the new floors to settle properly. It's normal for new carpet to shed frequently following installation, so you should vacuum often. You may also need to run a fan or open windows to dissipate any odors associated with the installation process.